Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shenzhen and additional places apt heave chief.

Second, Hoh Xil Suonandajie photographic exhibition of the protection station
1, and the creator of Suonandajie Yang Xin
protection stations ran the car the night, I have a coma the night, severe altitude sickness, tired body, tired in trance with hh
reddening horizon, and I strive to wake up ahead sunrise the Hoh Xil, a pretty girl like fantasy mm odd and frank.
touch of flicker that seems to be the earth's scarf, which round red, seems to be a man's blood, extensive and desolate land of Hoh Xil, was shrouded in a kind of heroism.
Yes, the Hoh Xil is the hero of the land, into the Hoh Xil, the hearts of reverence.
the sun in the distance, escaping groups of Tibetan antelope, roamed, jumping, free with hh let me into a blurred state, like blurred after sex, I appear to not know where.
Roadside arose a simple white house, which is Suonandajie Protection Station, I now incited, I have arranged, Suonandajie protection station is one major trip to my part of the Hoh Xil, I Golmud buy canned, for well for Hatha, and of course wine, there are a cluster of silk flowers, and I brought that point of medication, whereas anything is negligible, yet ashore benefit of my little idea, likewise above behalf of my affection I came to visit Suonandajie dead hero, merely also come to penetrate the living hero Yang Xin.
car not stop, to smell a little pearly house a girl, warmhearted greeted us into the protection station I know this beautiful girl named Qiu Li, is a volunteer, (I can not remember alternatively she is from Fuzhou University, Xiamen University, a) volunteer to come in the summer, because the protection of the Hoh Xil, because the protection of Tibetan sacrifice a tiny morsel of adore antelope.
2, and the protection of station volunteers Suonandajie Qiu Li in my eyes the pulchritude of the girl was so fortunate that I have met
Yang Yan, which is a Southwest lad from Chengdu. This is a hero, a real hero!!!
he Yangtze River rafting early members of the expedition, he had the honor survived, he fell in love with the Yangtze River source region, he loved on the Hoh Xil, he quietly trying, for the protection of the Hoh Xil sacrifice their own blood, he founded the Green River organization, he occasionally in Hoh Xil, periodically in Chengdu, Shenzhen and additional places to heave chief.
3 , the beautiful and mysterious land of Hoh Xil
the influx of unlawful poachers, drastically diluted the number of savage beasts, the regional government due to lack of funds, conservation of wild beasts rather restricted range and power of 18 January .1994 , West County Work Committee Zhidoi Suonandajie apt defend the Tibetan antelope, an gun war with poachers 18, died heroically In 1996 May, the premier Chinese folk natural ecological environment protection station m Suonandajie standing in the Hoh Xil basis.
extra than a year after, the funds, and afterward Yang Xin own adventures into a paperback Yangtze mm yak West County Work Force) helped in the September 10, 1997 by the foot of the Hoh Xil created eastern of the Kunlun Suonandajie Conservation Station, as the Hoh Xil forefront of anti-poaching work bottom. to subserve the Hoh Xil藏羚羊保护 process. protect the station is located east of Hoh Xil, Qinghai-Tibet Highway 2952 km Department, backed along the Kunlun Mountains, 4,500 meters on sea class.
4, Hoh Xil Suonandajie a.m.
Conservation Station is the love of Hoh Xil, People love the Tibetan antelope donated up with love, not a cent the government investment, although Suonandajie Conservation Station of civilian nature, but it is the Hoh Xil district equipped with the maximum complete protection stations, though there is not enforcement power, but protection of Tibetan antelopes in the Hoh Xil publicity has a excellent role in promoting environmental protection in China has a profound significance and practical role in promoting China's large evolution of non-governmental environmental protection.
in such complicated circumstances, to Yang Xin-based volunteer dedication over the annuals in the obscurity of their own love, and even some volunteers gave their young lives.
5, protection of the mountain station staff find this is my jeep
the experience of 2002 to the Hoh Xil, today's Suonandajie Conservation Station has been taken over the local government, and the Hoh Xil region of our nation, the environment and animal protection efforts also additional, but we can not forget Suonandajie, We can not forget the Yang Xin, we can not forget those wild yak crew athletes, not to forget those nameless volunteers hh
Kekexili mm This is a hero of the land, there are heroes, there are male, in my mind: they are also the spine of the Tibetan Plateau, Mount Everest as they tall!!!
6, Suonandajie gravestone in front of heroes I presented the wine and flowers
7, the Hoh Xil I Suonandajie snow to disburse tribute to the 8, I was slumbering the Hoh Xil as tall top and 9, I Suonandajie protection stations in the 10, I and Tibetan antelope

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