Thursday, May 5, 2011

no namely God

Institute of Sociology of the Chinese People's University survey published in China, married alternatively cohabiting men and women,toronto escorts, sex fewer than once per month more than 1 / 4.
no period, no amuse, no physical strength, numerous couples await there 48 hours a daytime apt work and do housework,toronto escorts, so intercourse tin merely be further delayed. a lot of sex,shanghai massage, are the result of this postpone.
Andrology Center, Peking University First Hospital of Professor Zhang Zhichao pointed out namely in the sexual life, with capacity will indeed reduce. In adding, sexual life, either husband and wife must nourish a relaxed state of idea, do not adore as a mission to complete.
also Andrology Center of Peking University Hospital, Professor Zhang Zhichao also mentioned some certify to evidence-based medication testify endothelial compartments and restored. This is for the animal studies, the people study found that the man pelvic fracture, which is nerve break in patients with a certain level of penis dwindle, meantime the penis is melodrama the chief structure of erectile function. These are to some extent proved sexual function and so on. that many people naturally ask what is appropriate sexual life then, also, Professor Zhang also gives the reference number under the age of 55, not less than 2m3 times per week, over 60 years of age factors, disease factors and so on, are by fewest a month 2 to 3 times, at least not less than 1-2 times, so to maintain cerebral and physical happiness and feelingful aspects of the couple have a lot of benefits. In fact,leopard, no restrict to the number of number theory, as long as do not feel the next day Fatigue can be, equitable favor in the 40-year-old NBA star Wilt Chamberlain has done 20,000 times before, it also fully embodies the advantages of physical sports stars, then we should put accent on physical exercise.
the same time, Professor Zhang also talked about immediately people because the sex life of some peccadilloes, 1st, many people muse sex and kidneys,shanghai escort, will expend a lot of physical strength, in truth, base that sex is equivalent to the measure of training ordinary people will work 2-3 miles, do not have whichever effects. Second, some people say one drop of semen ten dew of blood, and so, in fact, men also 2-6ml each ejaculation of semen, of which 10% of sperm, the recess is water, the sperm is protein, the equivalent detriment 1g protein, it plainly, and people about spit spit, Oh (after thoughtful not to spit anywhere)! Conversely, whether you do not ejaculate long as there is a life of sperm, the body will be the metabolism of the sperm out through other means .
in enhancing sexual feature, enhance users Zhang suggested physical movement, maintaining appropriate sexual life, the most essential is to maintain a nice viewpoint, as aphrodisiac edibles on the diet, not that God, not to say that dining whip and kidney function more strongly to decisive of.
in the end, Zhang hopes a heap of users are cared approximately their own reproductive health, called on young human to once each 2 years, reproductive health checkup, over the age of 1 year 40 repeatedly. Reproductive health check above the 1 hand the detection of potential ailment or ailment, merely also can behave their own reproductive health rating, particularly within young folk in pre-marital exam, you can find a lot of problems, such as hormone testing, inspection, etc. ED problems are discovered later the matrimony can be dodged along scientific manner a lot of difficulty. If you find varicocele, the medic will recommend the man along of the birth, to prevent the evolution of the disease with age and occasion of infertility.
wish User has a healthy and agreeable sex life!
Recommended: Peking University Hospital, Andrology Center blog

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